Meander Valley Gazette

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Sport - Valley team victorious

November 2017 | David Claridge

THERE ARE some talented junior footballers around, with a mixed team going undefeated in this year’s Country Goal and winning the Grand Final by 70 points.

Grade 5-6 students from Deloraine, Our Lady of Mercy, Hagley and Bracknell primary schools combined to play as the Northern Midlands West team in the two-day competition and proved that they worked well as a unit.

Coach, Jacob Wauchope, was impressed with how the mixed team came together to go all the way.

“They played absolutely outstanding,” he said.

“One of our players got best player for the tournament and best player in a final.

Some of them play junior football in Deloraine, others play elsewhere but they came together well as a team.”

Jacob went on to thank their assistant coach Grace Walker and team manager Dan Ellis.

Other teams in the competition were Northern Midlands East, Circular Head, Tamar, North East and East North East.

The Northern Midlands West team consisted of seventeen boys and one girl when they defeated Tamar in the Grand Final.

Four of their players also made it to the All Star team.

The Country Goal is an annual event that involves a range of sports.