Meander Valley Gazette

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Opening for young artists

December 2017 | Wendy Laing

THE OFFICIAL opening of the Tasmanian Young Artist Awards 2017 was held at the Deloraine Creative Studios on Thursday, 2nd November.

It was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Deloraine in conjunction with the Deloraine Craft Fair.

Night Sky Girl by Aroma Imran and Biro Oscillation by Mitchell McKenzie were the joint winners of the Years 7 to 10 section. Inevitable Death by Flynne Bessell received a commendation.

In the Years 11 to 12 section the winner was Conflicting Space by Callum Holmberg, with Sparks Will Fly by Heidi Smith and Muse by Brooke Thornbury receiving commendations.

Judge, Carol McLean congratulated the artists of their high standard of work.

“Art isn’t just putting pictures on the wall. It includes pencil drawings, computer animations and photography,” she said.

“The spark of a professional artist is in the skill, talent and choice of subject.”

The Director of the Tasmanian Craft Fair, Mr Tim Biggs said that he hoped the Tasmanian Young Artist Awards would continue to be held as be part of the craft fair in the future.