Meander Valley Gazette

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Wellness website

December 2017 | Wendy Laing

FEELING BLUE or a bit anxious? Deloraine House’s new Health and Wellness Portal is a new website where health services available to Meander Valley residents are gathered in one place.

Ms Narelle Whatley, the Coordinator of Deloraine House welcomed Greg Hall MLC, Deputy Mayor Michael Kelly and Allan Johnson from Wellways to the offiŸcial launch of the Meander Valley Health and Wellness Portal.

Ms Whatley spoke of how, in late 2015, stakeholders came together from Westbury, Deloraine and the surrounding areas with the commitment to consult with the Meander Valley community on ways to address issues such as coping with any sort of mental illness.

The website designer, Mr Alan Blackmore, gave a demonstration of the portal, He explained that the design was easy to access with an uncomplicated layout.

The Deputy Mayor, Michael Kelly, then officially launched the portal.