A lifetime of golf



AT THE 2017 AGM of the Deloraine Golf Club, one of the club’s longer serving members Don Tracey was awarded life membership.

Don was recognised as a valued club member, serving as President, Captain, Course Manager and committee member. Don has played pennant for over… 20 years and been a co-organiser for 30 years of Farmers’s Day, one of the clubs biggest annual events. President and Members congratulated Don on this wonderful achievement.

2017 was a challenging year for the club due to a virus in the greens, causing significant loss of revenue due to less player participation.

Restoring the greens required many volunteer hours and expense to put a recovery programme in place.

Grants from Mark Shelton MP and the Meander Valley Council have been appreciated, as the course is now looking spectacular and the greens are improving.

Members and visitors are invited to enjoy a game of golf. Green fees are $20.00 for all day golf.

New members are welcome. All enquiries to Secretary Beverley Jordan. Please phone 63 622 801.


Scholarships are up for grabs


Meander medal master