Botanical quandary nears resolution


DECEMBER 2017 | Joanne Eisemann

A LONG TERM project to label plants in the extensive garden at the Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre is almost complete.

“The garden is a big component of the overall site,” says centre manager Vicki Pryer, adding “visitors were always asking us what the names of the plants are, so labelling seemed like a good thing to do.”

Many of the plants are now labelled with attractive easy to read labels, providing genus and specific latin names as well as common names.

Garden volunteer Nell Carr was the consultant for the labelling project.

While Council workers mow grass, whipper snip and spray, the ‘Garden Girls’ do all other garden maintenance and have been doing so at the visitor centre for years.

Elizabeth Ranicar, Sue Bowman, Rae Close, Julie Henson and Nell Carr are affectionately know as the ‘Garden Girls’ and spend a day each week carefully tending the Native Tasmanian, European and Vegetable sections of the garden.

Located at 98-100 Emu Bay Rd, the Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre and Folk Museum is open 9.00am to 5.00pm daily.

Photo | Mike Moores


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