Meander Valley Gazette

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Pumped Hydro for Meander Valley?

January 2018

The shift in Australia’s energy market towards more renewables, may create a significant opportunity for Meander Valley to play a role in delivering clean, aff–ordable energy for our state and the nation, and generating development and employment opportunities.

Under the Battery of the Nation initiative, Hydro Tasmania is looking at development options that can provide energy security for Tasmania and give Tasmanians access to the lowest possible power prices, and deliver more clean energy nationally.

Pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) is one of the keys to unlocking the state’s future potential.

Hydro Tasmania’s initial assessment has shown significant potential for PHES development in the state’s north west and in particular, the Mersey Forth and Meander Valley areas.

When fully realised, PHES projects could double Tasmania’s current hydropower capacity and potentially generate up to $5 billion in investment and up to 3000 jobs.

Energy storage systems like pumped hydro help balance energy from variable sources, such as wind and solar. They will become much more important in the future as Australia seeks to replace coal-fired power and get more energy from renewable sources.

Pumped hydro energy storage can store clean energy on a large scale to use during periods of low energy production. It can also reliably provide energy on demand for sustained periods.

Hydro Tasmania is continuing to evaluate the potential PHES sites, and is in the process of identifying a shortlist to undergo further detailed assessment.

Hydro are committed to engaging with the community, and invite you to share your views so that they can better understand any concerns, and opportunities as they move through the assessment process.

Visit au/energy/battery-nation for more information about the Battery of the Nation initiative and how studies are progressing.