Meander Valley Gazette

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Mother and son hair we go

Jason-Gamble-picture-supplied.jpg Jason-Gamble-picture-supplied.jpg

JANUARY 2018 | Cody Handley

A LOCAL mother and son have been letting their hair grow for charity. Caron and Jason Gamble of Travellers Retreat are donating locks of hair to Cancer Council Tasmania to make wigs for cancer patients.

The wigs are to be made by Sydney-based company, Ascot Wigmakers, who make wigs for theatre and film, as well as for medical purposes. The haircuts took place at Alfies Hair & Beauty, based in Hadspen.

This is not the first time Caron has grown her hair for charity. She did so in 2015, however the 35cm length proved to be too heavy for her. This time Jason and Caron decided on 20cm of growth.

Jason, a Prospect High School student, has been growing his hair all year to get to 20cm. When asked how he thought his classmates would react to his new, much shorter hair style he replied “No idea yet”.

Jason had a beach day at George Town for the end of the school year on 21st December and Caron said he will have to put on plenty of the old slip, slop, slap now that all his hair is gone.

Photo | Matula Handley