Meander Valley Gazette

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Beefeater St plan rejected

February 2018 | Sharon Webb

A CONTENTIOUS housing proposal in central Deloraine has been rejected by Meander Valley Council.

The development at 46A Beefeater St by Andrew Terry consisted of seven four bedroom units.

It was rejected by the council because at its current width the safety and efficiency of Beefeater Street, would be significantly reduced by creating 63 extra vehicle movements a day – a 31 per cent increase.

The council rejected a similar proposal by the proponents in 2017 for housing for fruit pickers using demountable detention centre buildings.

Fifteen letters from the area’s residents complained about issues such as potential noise, invasion of privacy, unsuitability for adjacent elderly people’s units, loss of view, none of which are in Council’s remit to consider.

Cllr Rodney Synfield commented on the lack of usage information in the application compared with the former one: “This does not qualify as a residential use if it’s to be used for fruit picker accommodation. It will not be occupied as a permanent abode.”