Meander Valley Gazette

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Green light for subdivision

February 2018 | Author

LAND CLOSE to Prospect Vale Marketplace has been approved for subdivision into six blocks by the Eskleigh Foundation, despite traffic objections by 13 residents in the area.

Eskleigh’s long-term plan is to build six units for residents with disabilities.

Addressing Meander Valley Council, resident Frank Nott said residents were not opposed to the development on Jardine Crescent but have major concerns about safety created by increased traffic.

Resident Lyndon Menegon said it was already difficult to enter and exit from his property within a complex of townhouses opposite Eskeigh’s land.

“Many cars leave the supermarket car park via Jardine Crescent, so six more individual driveways will make it difficult; we would like to see just one entrance to the units.”

Councillors’ discussions on alleviating the traffic situation by negotiating with Prospect Vale Marketplace about its car park exit came to naught because Eskleigh’s representative, surveyor John Dent, insisted the project be approved or rejected that day.

“Eskleigh would like to move into the Meander Valley but if this project is not approved I make no guarantees for the future,” he said.

Cllr Rodney Synfield pressed for a “more elegant” solution: “Is there an option to defer this matter for a month to speak to the supermarket?

“Other groups of units have only one entrance – why does Eskleigh need more?”

The council officers’ report maintains traffic levels on Jardine Crescent are safe.