Meander Valley Gazette

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Two million dollar sporting promise

February 2018

LABOR LEADER Rebecca White has committed $2 million towards Stage 1 of the Deloraine Community Complex and Education Precinct.

Ms White said the funding would go towards investing in new sporting grounds and recreational areas for community groups, schools and sports clubs.

“The project has strong community support and has already been assisted with a $250,000 commitment from Deloraine and Districts Community Bank,” Ms White said.

“Labor is pleased to support projects that have been developed through strong discussions between sporting clubs, local government and the business community.

“This shows that the precinct will be valued by locals and used for many years to come.

“Deloraine is a growing community with lots of families and there is a need to provide good competition and training grounds so young people from the area can get the best opportunity to participate in sport and recreation.”