Meander Valley Gazette

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A complex issue, study released

Preferred-option-Del-Recreation.jpg Preferred-option-Del-Recreation.jpg

FEBRUARY 2018 | Sharon Webb

DELORAINE GROUPS wanting to consolidate and renew the town’s recreation facilities are a step closer to realising their proposal.

A $98,000 feasibility study of Deloraine recreation facilities has produced three consolidation options for facilities.

Meander Valley councillors and members of a sports precinct working group favoured consolidating facilities at the Deloraine Community Complex – a combination of two of the three options presented in the Deloraine and Districts Recreation Precinct Feasibility study.

In January, Meander Valley Council voted to receive the study and consult stakeholders and the community, with feedback ready for consideration at the 13th March council meeting.

Of three options presented by the feasibility study, the preferred option was to consolidate sporting, recreation and community facilities at the Deloraine Community Complex site, with the purchase of the adjoining private land and upgrading of the Deloraine Primary School sportsground.

Major factors in the favoured option include: a new AFL oval, renovation of the Deloraine Community Complex building, a community park, little athletics facilities, two outdoor netball courts, an outdoor basketball court, a shared-use trail network connecting the wider community and schools to the site and upgrade of the Deloraine Primary School oval to a shared multi-use sportsground.

Cllr Bob Richardson, known for his support of Westbury facilities, solely voted against the motion.

He said support raised expectations in Deloraine that the facility might ever be built: “There is a major shortfall in council infrastructure in all three of Hadspen, Prospect/Blackstone and all three, as well as Carrick are likely growth centres.

“There is much catch-up needed in these areas before any of the Deloraine proposition. Secondly, Deloraine is clearly not the demographic centre, by any means, in the municipality.”

The three options developed by the consultant team options were:

1. Consolidate the sporting, recreation and community facilities at the Deloraine Community Complex site with the purchase of an adjoining private land parcel;

2. Consolidate the sporting, recreation and community facilities at the Deloraine Community Complex site with purchase of the adjoining private land and upgrading of the Deloraine Primary School sportsground;

3. Consolidate sporting, recreation and community facilities at both the Deloraine Community Complex and Deloraine Racecourse site. Capital costs are respectively $26.8m, $17.4m and $13.2m.

Deloraine recreation groups’ rationale for the $98,000 feasibility study was that the time had come to significantly renew the municipality’s sporting, recreational and community assets if they are going to service the needs of the community.

Existing assets are aged and no longer meet current needs or expectations of the community, especially in light of the growth of some activities and 2016 flood damage to facilities.

Feasibility study costs were shared by Meander Valley Council (up to $50,000) Bendigo Bank (up to $50,000) and the State Government ($30,000).

New infrastructure projects proposed in the report will be considered in future Meander Valley Council’s capital works programs. This will include assessment of the whole of life costs and revenue funding requirements.

Key to photo

1 New AFL Oval; 180x145 (includes 5m run off ).

2 Install gates to restrict through traffic outside of events and games days.

3 Renovate Deloraine Community Complex building; refer to architect’s ‘plan preferred option 2’ for concept plan and arrangement of facilities. Ensure building has glass frontage for function room and change room facilities are positioned central to main oval.

4 Gravel road to perimeter of ovals, including provision for spectator car parking.

5 Paved spectator standing/seating area.

6 Paved entry plaza to new building; plaza extends to existing Rotary Pavilion to create a pedestrianised area/events space.

7 Retain as open space, but option to reconfigure car park to Rotary Building in long-term

8 Existing car park.

9 New car park – 200 cars. Entry off existing car park, with access road running to the north of Rotary Pavilion.

10 Bus lay by.

11 Gravel road leading o car park; gated entry with access only permitted on game/function days. Link gravel road through to East Barrack Street. Maintain option for use of road link to East Barrack Street to cater for major events and home games.

12 Community park, including nature play area, BBQ and outdoor gym circuit

13 Little Athletics facilities, including long jump, triple jump, discus, sandpits, etc., adjacent to main oval.

14 Gravel car park.

15 2 x outdoor netball courts.

16 1 x 3:3 outdoor basketball court.

17 Reconfigure existing drain line

18 Create shared use trail network which links wider community, including primary and high schools, to the site. Potential for use as a bike circuit around sports-ground

19 Upgrade existing undeveloped oval in school property to multi-use sports-ground. Preferred multi-use sports-ground site in partnership with Primary School.

20 Investigate potential to sell o ff Council and Crown owned land for residential subdivision.

21 Potential skate park location.

22 Consolidate parking and main entry from the north.

23 Potential for overflow parking and expansion of sport, recreation and community use in longer term

24 Potential to relocate o ff-leash dog area into balance land.