Ramping it up


FEBRUARY 2018 | Cody Handley

A SCHOOL holiday program for a Mountain Bike Coaching Clinic was held at Hadspen on the 19th January.

The program was aimed at kids aged 12 years and under and took place at the Hadspen Recreation Park jump track located behind the Hadspen Cricket Club building. The program taught the fundamentals of mountain biking through fun games, races and challenges.

Held in two sessions, each ran for three hours with morning tea included, consisting of fruit and savouries for the riders. The organisers, Shape and Ride, told the Gazette that there was a total of 30 kids in all, and who, by the end of the program were riding better and with a lot more confidence.

Shape and Ride are a group that seeks to promote and support mountain bike opportunities in Tasmania. The group are planning to expand in the near future and urge people to keep an eye on their facebook page for news and events. “This is just the beginning,” they said.

According to Shape and Ride the program has been very well received. “My son loved it, had heaps of fun, now I can’t get him o his bike!” said one parent. “The kids had a ball and are much more confident riding now. When is the next one!?” asked another.

While the program was predominantly about mountain biking, the kids were also allowed to bring along their BMX bikes.

Photo | Mike Moores


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