Sandy Lake Hut opening

March 2018

THE HISTORIC Sandy Lake Hut is no longer confined to history.

The hut has been rebuilt and will be o fficially opened at 10.00am on Saturday 7th April. Patrons will meet at Lake MacKenzie boat ramp car park before taking a short walk to the site of the hut.

There will be a guest speaker and an inspection of the original hut’s remains if lake levels allow. Patrons are invited to bring their own picnic lunch and refreshments.

The Sandy Lake Hut was originally built in 1903 as part of a push by the Northern Fisheries Association and the Northern Tasmanian Tourist Association to promote recreational fishing in the Chudleigh Lakes area.

The hut was designed to be a base for recreational fisherman and bushwalkers alike.

Unfortunately, over the course of the 1940s and 50s the hut was gradually destroyed through acts of vandalism, such as the removal of palings for firewood. The last remnant, the stone chimney, was demolished prior to the flooding of Lake MacKenzie during the development of the Mersey Forth power scheme in 1969.

Two other huts, Lady Lake Hut and Ironstone Hut - built in 1911 and 1918 respectively - suff•ered similar fates but have since been rebuilt in the last 25 years. Sandy Lake Hut was the last to be resurrected, with building commencing in 2015.




Tough. It’s in their genes.