Meander Valley Gazette

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Mace St park relocation

March 2018 | Sharon Webb

A PARK in Mace St Prospect Vale will be rezoned residential and a new park established in nearby Bordin St for safety reasons.

Meander Valley councillors voted to make the change because Mace St park, on an internal block, cannot be seen from surrounding houses because of high fences. In the past residents have complained about anti-social behavior there.

At the February council meeting, planner Jo Oliver said those complaints had prompted council’s investigation in 2014.

“At that time we consulted landowners adjoining the park to canvass views on a potential (park) relocation in conjunction with the final stages of the Ben Lomond Views Estate.

This was met with general support,” she said.Another reason for moving the park was that the Mace St location did not connect with any other streets or pathways.

The new location links with clear visibility to Nanke Court, which connects to Bradford Avenue and the southern entrance to Prospect High School.

One Mace St resident objected to the change, commenting on the benefit of the park to his children and the need to protect the natural ecosystems provided by parks.