Young artists tutored by Tony

March 2018

GREAT NEWS for young aspiring Meander Valley artists. As part of this year’s Youth Week celebrations renowned local artist Tony Smibert will be offering a workshop for keen young painters.

The idea came about when Meander Valley Council Community worker, Vicki Jordan, asked some young people what they would like to see happen for Youth Week this year. The suggestion was made to ask Tony to do a painting workshop.

“When I rang him up he said ‘You won’t be able to afford me but I’ll do one for free’ and then he said that he would contact Deloraine Rotary to see if they would agree to provide some financial assistance for the art supplies; and they are interested,” shares Vicki.

Vicki stresses that the workshop is especially for young people (under 25’s) from Meander Valley who are enthusiastic about art and keen to learn more from someone as accomplished as Tony.

The workshop will be held on the 19th April at the Granary in Longford, in between two international workshops that Tony is running there. He will be ably assisted by Longford artist Hugh MacKinnon, who is also volunteering his time. Hugh owns the Mountford property where the granary is situated.

“We are really excited to be able to offer this workshop as part of our Youth Week program,” says Vicki.

Young people 12 – 25 yrs are invited to register their expression of interest with Vicki Jordan. Mobile: 0400 155 690 or email

Deloraine House, Deloraine Trade Training Centre and Meander Valley Council are working together to provide a calendar of events for Youth Week 13th – 22nd April. Keep an eye on their Facebook page for more information.


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