Baton bearer


MARCH 2018 | David Claridge

IT IS a memorable thing to be a part of history. For Golden Valley’s Hollie Bennett she has followed in the footsteps of thousands of others, many of them famous.

The 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games Queen’s Baton Relay recently came to Launceston. 11 year old Hollie, the only member of the relay from Meander Valley, was honoured to be part of the experience.

Hollie’s mother, Cristy Hall, was thrilled that not only was Hollie involved but she was the first runner in the Launceston part of the relay.

“She started from East Launceston Primary School, she got presented with the baton and all the kids made a guard of honour and high fived her on the way out as she made her way down Abbott Street,” she said.

“She is a real all-rounder. She has competed in athletics, cross country and swimming for her school in the Northern Midlands as well as being a competitive equestrian rider just to name a few things. I’m extremely proud of what she has achieved!”

“She really enjoyed the day. It was a surreal experience for her being with past Olympic champions and community members who generously give up lots of their time for others. They all took her under their wing for the day, which was lovely.”

The baton relay is a worldwide event where 3,800 baton bearers have been running over 388 days, the same baton will travel over 40,000 kilometres.

Photo | Mike Moores


Lobster Creek Falls


The Queen's B&B