Come join the circus


MARCH 2018 | Hayley Manning

CHUDLEIGH’S three-day circus school was attended by 40 eager kids, the maximum number possible. Children spent the days laughing, playing, learning and spending some quality time away from their phones and devices.

Circus Art hosts, Anna and David, shared 20 years of circus experience with their captivated pupils, who gained self-confidence and became aware of their own capabilities, while having fun learning to juggle, master the diablo, acro-balance and more.

Proud parent Kerry McKenna, said her children Daisy (9) and Ruby (8), enjoyed getting outside and learning active skills in a workshop that “creates a childhood for children.”

“They could showcase their ‘amazing physical skills’ later in life when travelling or attending festivals,” she said.

SuperSillyUs Coordinator, Pip Stanley, supported the Chudleigh event and said she was very excited about renewed community interest in learning the art of circus performance.

“Our troupe of volunteers have played at schools and numerous community and charity events across Northern Tasmania during our 14 years together. It would be fantastic to form a new group under the existing banner, or create a new one altogether,” she said.

Please contact Belinda at Deloraine House on Mondays and Tuesdays, or Pip if you are interested in joining or creating a circus troupe.

Photo | Mike Moores


A day of star attractions


Capacity crowd rejects plan