Deloraine: epicentre for Kinesiology


MARCH 2018 | Lorraine Clarke

KINESIOLOGY IS one of the alternative non-invasive therapies that is sought out when chronic pain and physical maladies cannot be diagnosed by or fail to respond to traditional medicine.

Deloraine resident Philip Rafferty has been a kinesiologist for 35 years. He created Kinergetics Kinesiology in 1991, a modality which is taught in over 20 countries, having been translated into 8 languages. He introduced “Touch for Health” to Australia from the USA.

Philip recently hosted the 9th Annual International Kinergetics Workshop in Deloraine over the month of January. More than 40 people including Australians and many overseas visitors, attended to study under his guidance. The workshop was held at the Rotary Pavilion, with morning and afternoon practical and theory sessions, and meal breaks spent at local eateries.

At the workshop, participants were eager to share their stories. Sharon from Canada had consulted 20 doctors and exhausted all avenues of medical treatments for her fibromyalgia. She explained that the constant pain she experienced for 25 years was so severe that she was afraid to wake up in the mornings, and every part of her body ached. After having Kinergetics treatment she said, “It was like heaven. I don’t know life without pain.”

Selena came to the work-shop to further her studies. She is a Kinergetics practitioner in the Huon Valley, where psychologists refer patients to her for treatment of trauma.

Lianne from Singapore travelled to the workshop to find relief from a stroke initiated by arsenic poisoning from eating vegetables she had grown in contaminated soil.

Sarah, an Australian based in London, is a Special Needs teacher who first practised Kinergetics 15 years ago to help herself and her friends.

For more information go to

Photo | Mike Moores


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