Trophy day for trucks


MARCH 2018 | David Claridge

IT’S A BIT early for the bustle of Agfest at Quercus Park, yet the fields came to life in February when over one hundred trucks rolled up and parked in rows.

A clear sky greeted the hundreds of visitors to the fifteenth annual Tasmania Truck Show.

Run by the Deloraine Lions Club, the event drew crowds from all over Tasmania.

On show were trucks both new and old; trucks that haul stock, carry supplies, and ones that haul water. There was even a fleet of buses and coaches to view.

Trent Aiken and his son had never been to the truck show until this year.

“We thought we would come and look,” he said.

“We always see the photos each year and think we’ve missed it again, so we’ve finally come along.”

For many lucky drivers the effort they put into their vehicles paid off as there were 40 awards presented on the day.

The truck show has moved around the state over the years, from Ulverstone to Deloraine according to event organiser, Bryan Watson.

“It’s good for the industry, with a lot of contractors in the area,” he said.

“Truckies are the main visitors, they like to look at the other trucks. They take a lot of pride in how theirs look and want to see what else is out there. We also put on activities for the kids including lolly hunts and a Zorb ball.”

Photo | David Claridge


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