$3.3 million to spend - have your say

April 2018 | Sharon Webb

MEANDER VALLEY Council will help community groups to give feedback on a feasibility report on proposed changes to Deloraine’s recreation facilities.

The formal consultation period will be extended so that many schools and small sport and recreation community groups using the current facilities can give their views on the new ideas.

In addition, community groups who have not already responded to the changes can opt to meet council officers who will explain the report and help them to complete feedback forms.

Cllr Deb White said e’ffective consultation meant not only sending a reminder to community groups about the consultation but helping them to workshop and understand the report so they could make their comments.

Cllr Rodney Synfield said: “At the end of the day this is a $3.3m spend and we need good conversations about it with the community.

Cllr White also proposed a public meeting at the Deloraine Community Complex at a time and date allowing a great number of community members to be present so as to present the report and receive feedback.

Of three options presented by the feasibility study, the working group’s preference is to consolidate sporting, recreation and community facilities at the Deloraine Community Complex site, with the purchase of the adjoining private land and upgrading of the Deloraine Primary School sports ground.

Major factors in the favoured option include: a new AFL oval, renovation of the Deloraine Community Complex building, a community park, little athletics facilities, two outdoor netball courts, an outdoor basketball court, a shareduse trail network connecting the wider community and schools to the site, and upgrade of the Deloraine Primary School oval to a shared multi-use sportsground.

Cllr Bob Richardson was the only councillor to vote against more thorough community consultation on the proposal.

He said the project would confine council spending on sports, recreational and cultural groups to Deloraine for 10 years and that people in Prospect, Blackstone, Hadspen, Bracknell, Carrick and Westbury should be asked whether they want it.


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