Meander Valley Gazette

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Rubicon Grove

April 2018

IMPRESSIVE NEW facilities will soon be unveiled at OneCare’s residential facility in Port Sorell, Rubicon Grove.

With construction well underway for a new 20 bed wing extension, including a community centre and a tea house, the additional 20 suites will significantly expand the facility, bringing the total number of suites up to 80.

The $5million expansion will help address the demand for aged care on the North-West Coast of Tasmania, following the provision of a licence for 20 low-care suites by the Commonwealth Government in 2015.

The new buildings will incorporate a community hub, to be utilised by local Rotary and Lions clubs, as well as the Bridge of Hope Church.

Rubicon Grove is offŽering rewarding career opportunities in nursing and personal care, a career that makes an important contribution to our community, and creates a real diŽfference in people’s lives.

OneCare welcomes applications from those interested in working in a caring professional team. Apply at