Meander Valley Gazette

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Free advice on rural relief

April 2018 | David Claridge

FARMING IS an important part of Tasmanian life, we are world known for our produce which can be highly sought after.

But not every farmer finds it easy to continue producing fine Tasmanian products, as some suffer plights or financial difficulty.

There is help and it has been around for some time. Rural Business Tasmania is a not-for-profit organisation which has been running since 1986.

“If a disaster hits we are a means of help,” expressed Michal Frydrych, Deputy Chair and Treasurer and Mole Creek deer farmer.

“Our goal is to assist farmers in providing business plans and looking at their financing, and helping them get loans,” he said.

Many farmers have suffered from plights to the Meander Valley the floods, the fires, drought and the dairy crisis.

“There are farmers who aren’t doing so well out there. Some have to get a second job to supplement their income.

“We can even help with succession planning, if a farmer wants to hand over the business to his children,” said Michal.

Supported by the Federal and State Governments, Rural Business Tasmania can provide confidential and independent assistance to not only farmers but fisherman and small rural businesses if they are suffering from financial hardship.

For more information about Rural Business Tasmania visit the website ruralbusinesstasmania.