Meander Valley Gazette

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valerie-and-at-hagley-church.jpg valerie-and-at-hagley-church.jpg

APRIL 2018 | Cody Handley

THE WESTBURY Uniting Church Parish will be holding a car boot sale and Sausage Sizzle on Saturday, 14th April.

The sale will take place at the Hagley Uniting Church property from 10.00am to 2.00pm.

Items for sale include old church organs and pews, assorted crockery and oldstyle fold-up chairs. Plenty of car boot spaces are available at a cost of $10.00.

Chairman of the Parish Council, Robert Clarke, told the Gazette they are trying to sell as many items as possible. “We’re selling anything that isn’t nailed down, and we can pull the nails out if it comes to that,” he said jokingly.

This comes as the Parish are looking towards selling the church site, which closed in 2016.

“The Uniting Church body is not allowing the church to be sold until the cemetery has been disposed of,” Mr Clarke said.

According to the Cemetery Act, an owner of a cemetery automatically becomes the manager of that cemetery, which carries the potential for some hefty consequences for noncompliance with regulations. This could be a turn off for potential buyers of the site.

To book a carboot space, phone Val Gibson 6392 2243.

Photo | Mike Moores