Champs from cellar dwellers

May 2018 | Sharon Webb

A DELORAINE Bowls Club team had a stunning State Championship win last month, rising from being at the bottom of the ladder at Christmas.

Rita Eastley, a member of the all-Mole Creek/Deloraine division two Thursday Pennant team, said her team won the northern premiership over Westbury then went on to play the winners of the NW and southern premierships.

“After Christmas, we rearranged the team and that seems to have made the difference,” she said.

“This is the first State title for Deloraine Bowls Club since 1994.

The club has had a successful few months on the green this year.

Not only did two Thursday Pennant teams reach the northern finals but, of five divisions playing pennant, three teams made the top four.

The Saturday division four team finished on top of the ladder and will be promoted to division three next season; unfortunately, they were eliminated in the semi-finals.

Mrs Eastley said her team was elated by its State win and celebrated with a few drinks at the club.




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