Quinn-tessential artist


MAY 2018

WESTBURY ARTIST Brad Quinn is the 2018 winner of the inaugural Esk Art Award.

Brad received the Tas Art Award Acquisitive Prize for his painting ‘Cataract Gorge 2’.

The Esk Art Award was announced on 13th April and is curated by the Launceston Art Society with the support of the Eskleigh Foundation. All entries and prize winners are exhibited at Eskleigh in Perth, until 27th May. ‘Cataract Gorge’ will then become part of the Eskleigh Foundation’s permanent collection.

Brad has been concentrating on painting and exhibiting his work since settling in Westbury in 2015 and was the winner of Meandering 2016 with his painting ‘Chudleigh Show’.

His larger paintings, such as ‘Cataract Gorge 2’, are often destined for exhibitions both in Tasmania and interstate.

Brad’s work can be seen in his workspace at Deloraine Creative Studios, on Emu Bay Road. Here, Brad spends up to two days a week, painting and drawing alongside other local artists and craftspeople.

Photo | Mike Moores


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