Car show cash for elderly air hockey

June 2018 | David Claridge

LOCAL BUSINESSES are continuing to benefit from the ever-growing Deloraine Car Show with Grenoch Home receiving an air hockey table.

A table was purchased with funds from the show and restored by committee members, it was delivered in May much to the delight of residents.

Car Show Committee member, David Sherriff, explained that they suggested an air hockey table because there doesn’t seem to be many things for men to do in aged care.

“It’s not just a man’s thing either. It means they have something else to do other than knitting, that will help them with exercise,” he said. “Apparently it’s getting a real good work out.

“We’re selecting other things that are needed elsewhere so that we can put money back into the community.”

The CEO of Aged Care Deloraine, Charlie Emmerton, was thrilled with the donation.

“The residents love it, they line up to use it, we had a smaller one, but this is about eight feet long and they are getting more out of it.

“We want to thank the Deloraine Car Show people for their donation.”

The local Apex club also received a donation.


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