Roads & bridges winners

June 2018 | Sharon Webb

MORE THAN 60 per cent of Meander Valley Council’s 2018-2019 capital works budget will be spent on the municipality’s roads, bridges and footpaths.

In contrast, the smallest percentage will be allocated to health, community and welfare capital costs – just seven per cent on community amenities, tourism and area promotion, household waste disposal and urban stormwater drainage.

Of the total $8,181,500 allocated for capital works, 22 per cent will go to recreation and culture facilities, with around eight per cent for council administration buildings, IT equipment and software, and plant and light vehicle replacement.

The budget’s largest allocation is to reconstruct and repair the municipality’s bridges: $2,150,000 for 11 bridges including $275,000 for the bridge over Western Creek on Bankton Rd; $260,000 for the Dalebrook River on Bankton Rd; and $240,000 for the Liffey River on Bennett’s Rd.

Road reconstruction and upgrades will absorb $1,468, 500 for 18 roads, including $350,000 for Railton Rd, $170,000 for Black Hills Rd (Hagley) and $100,000 for Scotts Lane (Hagley).

Around $115,000 is allocated for footpaths in Hadspen, Deloraine and Meander, as well as $1,375,000 for general road resurfacing.

In recreation, sportsground improvement is the big winner with $1,050,000 to be spent on four projects including $510,000 on two new netball courts in Deloraine and $470,000 on lighting improvements at Prospect Vale.

Meander Valley’s excellent community halls will receive $495,000 – the majority for the refurbishment of Bracknell Hall, with small allocations for halls in Caveside, Westbury and Chudleigh.

The municipality’s parks and playgrounds have been allocated $200,000, including $100,000 for Blackstone Park’s new playground and funds for three Hadspen parks: seating and shade at Bull Run Reserve ($25,000); playground renewal at Coronea Court Reserve ($35,000); and new playground equipment at Winifred Jane Crescent Reserve ($19,498).

In health, community and welfare, dealing with urban stormwater will cost the council $475,000, including projects in Panorama Rd, Blackstone Heights ($150,000); King St, Westbury ($80,000); and Kimberley ($60,000).

The only community amenity listed for improvement is Westbury Green’s public toilets - $10,000 for toilet planning – but wheelie bin replacements will cost $30,000, and including Cluan in the household waste management system will cost $50,000.

In tourism promotion, Deloraine Visitor Centre is allocated $15,000 for landscaping.


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