Adventure seekers


JUNE 2018 | Cody Handley

EIGHT DELORAINE High School students are raising funds for an overseas expedition to Malaysia and Borneo in September.

The expedition will be student-led, with guidance from teacher Garan Lewis and an expedition leader from World Challenge, an organisation that works with schools to provide overseas travel opportunities for students.

The students are expected to raise approximately 70 percent of the funds themselves, a total of $5,800 each, which will cover necessities like flights, accommodation and travel insurance.

So far, they have done this via part-time jobs, an auction that raised $2,400 organised with help from Rotary and local businesses, and have 3 weekends lined up to do sausage sizzles at Bunnings.

The trip will be three weeks in duration and include a 5-10 day trek through the Borneo jungle and a community project. This project, decided by the village, could include repairing schools or buildings, teaching English, creating drainage or plumbing, or conservation. Materials and skilled labour will be supplied by World Challenge, the students will do the rest.

Asked what they hoped to take from the expedition, answers were varied.

“Doing something different, I guess. Experiencing something you otherwise wouldn’t,” said Ruby.

Ebony looked forward to “The leadership and responsibility.”

Colby, the only boy on the trip, had a simple request: “I want to see an orangutan!”

The trip resulted from an information night and an email circulating the school about World Challenge.

The students had a training weekend at Narawntapu National Park where they learned useful skills such as erecting hammocks, using stretchers, first aid, building shelter, and safety and risk assessment.

To make a donation, email garan.lewis@education.tas. for more information.

Photo | Mike Moores


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