Meander Valley Gazette

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Agfest - leading fundraiser

Bracknell-Primary-School-L-Kylie-Johnson-R-Jess-Rode-both-of-Bracknell.jpg Bracknell-Primary-School-L-Kylie-Johnson-R-Jess-Rode-both-of-Bracknell.jpg

JUNE 2018 | Hayley Manning

THE CHEERFUL band of volunteers from Bracknell Primary School tout that they serve the ‘Best Food at Agfest’ and provide a large undercover area where you can eat it too!

Parents and Friends committee members Patricia Farmer and Maryanne Gilbert said the Agfest event had been their leading fundraiser for 25 years.

“The funds were instrumental in our fight to keep the school when it was listed for possible closure in 2011,” Ms Farmer said.

“All past and present Parents and Friends and other connected community members are committed to keeping the school going, so our students can gain confidence and leadership skills before they go to high school,” Ms Gilbert said.

Bracknell, and other primary schools threatened with closure, staged mass protests, started petitions and used social media platforms to muster support during the Save our Schools campaign.

Generations of families have attended the school which has been at the heart of the small livestock, dairy and poppy production district in Northern Tasmanian for over 150 years.

Photo | Mike Moores