Meander Valley Gazette

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The Suns bounce back

Meander-Valley-Sons-V-Luncestonians.jpg Meander-Valley-Sons-V-Luncestonians.jpg

JUNE 2018 | David Claridge

A PAINFUL loss to Old Launcestonians was the last straw for the Meander Valley Suns in what has been a winless season.

Their hard work paid off a week later with a win against Uni Mowbray, the Suns kicked 15.16.106 to Uni Mowbray’s 3.11.29.

The team has done it tough, not being able to field their best team all year and starting off the season against the stronger teams meant that they had to try some new game plans to try and adapt.

Suns Coach, David Manktelow, is hopeful they can continue to turn their season around in the games to come.

“The start of the season was always going to be tough for us, playing against five of the top six sides from last year,” he said.

“On paper, the results are very tough for us, but in every game we were there with them until about half time and then the good sides were able to get away from us.

“Things are looking positive, we just need to focus on when to be offensive and when to switch to defensive.

At the time of writing the Suns were heading into a milestone game, with their first player to reach 100 games to run out and play against the East Coast Swans.

“Brendan Jones has been a stalwart of the club, the best thing about him is that he always puts the team first” said David Manktelow.

Photo | Mike Moores