Bank loan for a burial?

July 2018 | Sharon Webb

MEANDER VALLEY residents will pay a little more for most council services in 2018-19, but people wishing to bury or inter their loved ones in the Mole Creek, Bracknell or Deloraine Cemeteries are slugged with a 33-53 percent increase.

Meander Valley Council voted to adopt the new charges at its June meeting. The only items they changed from council staff recommendations were to charge $2.00 tip fees for a 240l bin of rubbish instead of the recommended $6.00; bags of up to 60l were also altered from $2.00 to $0.50c.

Cr Tanya King commented the adjusted tip fees would be a good interim measure to reduce illegal dumping: “I would like to point out that these new fees would not be required if every residential property in the municipality was serviced with regular roadside collection.”

But the big cost increases in 2018-2019 are burials and interments, with a single depth burial in a lawn cemetery increasing from $565.00 to $600.00. Public grave costs at Mole Creek and Bracknell increase from $300.00 to $400.00.

Mole Creek and Bracknell families will be hit with 53 percent increases for Wall of Memory niches. Interment of ashes in a niche in Mole Creek, Bracknell and Deloraine is now $400.00, with Deloraine costs also up 33 per cent.

Reservation of a niche in all locations will now cost $200.00, up from $130.00 in Mole Creek and Bracknell, and up from $173.00 in Deloraine.

Planning fees have increased 2.4 per cent according to council’s cost index: the fee for a permitted house or outbuilding has increased from $285.00 to $292.00 and for discretionary buildings from $490 to $500.

In 2018-2019 developers will pay two new $150.00 fees: for initial advertising of the development and for an amended plan.

All plumbing permit applications have increased minimally. A residence with up to six fixtures costs $535.00, up $15.00.

A permit for a desexed dog costs $63.00 – but only $46.00 if payment is made by 31st July, up from $61.50/$45.00.

Dog impounding fees go up a dollar to $33.00 and to $54.50 for a second impounding.

Tip fees are mostly unchanged, with a ute or single axle trailer remaining at $16.00. Larger loads have increased by $1.00.

One-off fees at Deloraine swimming pool remain unchanged, although season tickets have increased slightly, as have fees for sport at Deloraine Community Complex, Westbury Sports Centre and Hadspen Recreation Ground Memorial Centre.

Practice fees at Deloraine’s Little Theatre are unchanged but local use is up $3.00 a day to $88.00 and travelling groups are charged $135.00 a day usage, up $5.00.

Other venue day rates are up $5-$10.00, with Deloraine Community Complex at $570.00, the Meander Valley Performing Arts Centre at $340.00 and Westbury Sports Stadium at $230.00. Hall use costs stay the same or are up minimally.


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