Meander Valley Gazette

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Cabaret extravaganza for Dramatic Society

July 2018

THE DELORAINE Dramatic Society will be holding its inaugural comedic ‘Family Cabaret Extravaganza’ on the 18th August 2018 from 6.00pm to 10.00pm.

The Cabaret will showcase a smorgasbord of local talent, with acts including the newly formed Deloraine Dramatic Youth Ensemble, music, dance, an operatic Aria, short plays, puppetry, poetry, monologues and random acts of silliness.

Organisers are seeking a Latin dancing couple to perform on the night. Please register interest to

Ticket prices include a set supper and refreshments, and booking information will be advertised at the start of August.

Stay tuned and you can find more information about the DDS on their Facebook page and on Instagram @delorainedramaticsocietypr.