Meander Valley Gazette

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Kanangra unit unveiled

July 2018

A NEW independent living unit was unveiled and o“fficially opened in Deloraine on Friday 15th June 2018 by Aged Care Deloraine CEO, Charlie Emmerton.

The construction of this unit has been a collaborative Community Project undertaken by Aged Care Deloraine, funded completely from the local community with zero Government assistance. That in itself is a huge achievement!

The main funding source for this unit was for $180,000 which was generously provided by The Gentleman’s Club of Deloraine (after it was wound up), the Rotary Pratt Foundation provided a further $53,000 and the remainder was from Aged Care Deloraine.

The Aged Care Deloraine Board is extremely grateful to both of these organisations, for without them it would not have been possible to build this unit.

Former Chair of the Aged Care Deloraine Board, Jan Smith, echoed this sentiment in her address at the opening.

This new two bedroom modern unit will provide low maintenance living situated adjacent to the existing Kanangra Garden Units and off ers disability access and amenities.

Due to the large donation made by The Gentleman’s Club of Deloraine, it is intended that first priority will be given to tenants who have been associated with the club. Following that, the process for second priority will be the same criteria and current waiting list utilised for the other Independent Living Units operated by Aged Care Deloraine.

The Rotary Pratt Foundation was formed in 1998 with donations of many thousands of dollars from the Pratt family and several thousand dollars from the Rotary Club of Deloraine.

The fund is administered by a panel of five directors of which three of them are members of the Rotary Club. The trustees are appointed for a fixed term and can apply to be reappointed for one extra term.

Deloraine is fortunate the Pratt family lived in the area and are appreciative of their considerable foresight.