Passing around the big cup

July 2018 | Hayley Manning

WHEN LEANNE Horton made casual enquiries regarding this years’ Biggest Morning Tea, she never imagined she would be hosting the function herself just three weeks later.

But that’s exactly what happened when Leanne joined forces with Deloraine House volunteer Charlie to organise one of the Cancer Councils most popular fundraising events, currently in its 21st year.

Statistics show that most Tasmanians are touched by cancer, therefore it is comforting to know the $1,492.50 raised by a supportive Deloraine community will remain in Tasmania for preventative education, clinical research, and more.

A recent outcome of clinical trials in Cleveland is a ‘liquid biopsy’ blood test which according to Dr Eric Klein has the ability to detect early signs of cancer years before symptoms develop.

Leanne and Charlie have been buoyed by all the positive comments they have received and would like to thank Barry Westwood for use of the Western Tiers Community Club, and everyone else who helped in any way or donated raffle prizes.

“The Biggest Morning Tea is a great opportunity to catch up with friends while helping a good cause at the same time,” Leanne said.


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