Common home to the uncommon


JULY 2018

WESTBURY TOWN Common Landcare Group was honoured to host the graduation of the last two federally- funded Green Army teams on 14th June. All stakeholders involved with the 2018 teams were invited.

This event was held in conjunction with the host employer Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA).

The two co-ordinated teams were organised by Alison Hugo of NRM North to work on public and private environmental projects in northern Tasmania.

Over 12 days on the Common, Green Army volunteers and the Landcare Group removed over 403 large bags of weeds (thistle, teasel, dock, gorse, willow, blackberry, ivy, cumbungi and hemlock) from over 52 acres, by manually cutting and painting weed killer, then grubbing out seedlings.

A short visitors’ tour was led by the Green Army team members involved with the work on the Common. This was followed by a CVA barbecue lunch where thanks were given to all involved in the Green Army projects.

A photographic display showed clear evidence of the teams’ various projects and the extent of all they had achieved in 23 weeks.

Each Green Army graduate was presented with their certificate by Janet Lambert MHA. Grant Hourniet from CVA shared the teams’ individual insights.

The Town Common is home to various threatened species of fauna, including green and gold frogs. Some have been discovered only recently, during Natural Values mapping by the Landcare Group and the Meander Valley council/NRM facilitator.

Photo | Mike Moores


Coffee and carnations


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