Bopping a la Bollywood


AUGUST 2018 | Wendy Laing

HAVE YOU ever thought about learning to dance Bollywood style?

The Deloraine Neighbourhood House now hosts Bollywood dance classes on Saturday mornings.

They are run by Pooja Thakkar Noshi, a professional Bollywood dancer who has been teaching this style of dancing for eight years.

Based around the popular Indian film genre, this type of dancing fuses classical Indian dance steps with folk, hiphop and free form.

“Bollywood dancing is suitable for all ages,” Ms Noshi said, “It is upbeat and energetic, and most of all fun to do.”

At present classes are held from 10.00 am to 11.00 am once every fortnight. You do not need special clothes; just track pants and a t-shirt.

The next classes will be held on Saturday, 11th August and Saturday 25th August 2018.

To learn more about this style of dancing, or if you wish to attend a class, please phone Pooja on 0475 608 062 for further information.

Photo | Mike Moores


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