Meander Valley Gazette

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Back to Parkham

The Parkham Church is now a community centre. A ‘Back to Parkham’ Day will be held on Sunday 16th September. The Parkham Church is now a community centre. A ‘Back to Parkham’ Day will be held on Sunday 16th September.

The Parkham Church is now a community centre. A ‘Back to Parkham’ Day will be held on Sunday 16th September.


THREE YEARS ago, Parkham Community Inc. put their heads together to come up with a way to purchase a precious piece of history that belonged to the people of Parkham.

A local gentleman offered to loan them money, so they were able to purchase the church and hall. This has meant lots of hard work and fundraising to pay back the debt.

Last year, the group received a $50,000 grant from the Tasmanian Department of State Growth for new amenities, which will be officially opened by Guy Barnett on the 16th September along with a Back-to-Parkham Day to celebrate their achievements so far.

Everyone is invited, there is no need to come from Parkham to show support; you may have family or other connections from Parkham or may be just interested.

There will be some old photos displayed in the hall as well as the Elizabeth Town Football Club shields and photos on display for anyone who has an interest.

Restoration is ongoing. It’s a huge job and they still have plenty to do. Any support would be much appreciated.

The church has been deconsecrated and can now be used for any denomination and purpose, weddings, baptisms, bands, pot luck nights, etcetera.

A Melbourne Cup Luncheon is coming up, as is the Community Christmas Party on 15th December.

You can follow progress on Facebook, Parkham Community Inc. to see what’s happening at the centre!

Photo | Mike Moores