Meander Valley Gazette

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Golden oldies

Max Baker (ex-jockey), 73, of Longford, joined the ‘Golden Oldies’ for a chat and a cuppa. Max Baker (ex-jockey), 73, of Longford, joined the ‘Golden Oldies’ for a chat and a cuppa.

Max Baker (ex-jockey), 73, of Longford, joined the ‘Golden Oldies’ for a chat and a cuppa.

SEPTEMBER 2018 | Marguerite McNeill

CATCHING UP with friends for a good long chat has taken on a whole new meaning for many of the older men in Deloraine. For a large number of chaps catching up for a chat and cuppa has become a favoured event in their social calendar.

The group, dubbed the Golden Oldies, started meeting two and a half years ago and since then there’s been no looking back - except for the stories they tell.

Last month’s gathering attracted 38 men, the biggest group so far. And there was quite a buzz of conversation in the air. After all, some old school friends are catching up on a lifetime of memories.

Mostly they chat in small groups around the tables, and those who are willing are encouraged to talk to the group as a whole about interests in their life and background.

Although most of the men live in and around Deloraine, some who grew up in the area travel from as far as Devonport to Launceston to make contact with old friends.

“We talk a lot about old times” one fellow said. “Most of us have known each other for years, but some I haven’t see for 50 years.”

Last month a new but familiar face, Max Baker arrived from Longford to join in the chat. Well known for his exploits on the racetrack the former jockey lived in Deloraine for 15 years from the age of 15.

The 73 year-old thought the gathering was a great idea and welcomed the chance to catch up with old mates in the town.

Though mostly retired there is no age limit to the Golden Oldies and they welcome any older men wanting to join. The group is open to men from all walks of life who would like renew acquaintances or make new friends.

The group has no formal agenda and there are no rules or regulations other than to enjoy yourself.

Golden Oldies meet at the Western Tiers Community Club in Parsonage Street, Deloraine from 10.00am to 12 noon on the first Thursday of every month.

The meetings only cost $5.50 to cover the venue and morning tea.

Photo | Mike Moores