Meander Valley Gazette

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Have fun & eat to live longer

Author Ngaire Hobbins will be the guest speaker at Westbury RSL Author Ngaire Hobbins will be the guest speaker at Westbury RSL

Author Ngaire Hobbins will be the guest speaker at Westbury RSL

SEPTEMBER 2018 | Cody Handley

THE MEANDER Valley University of the Third Age (MVU3A) will be holding a free guest speaker event on the 12th October at the Westbury RSL at 2:00pm.

The talk is titled “Have your cake and eat it too: eat to cheat ageing and dementia in later age” and aims to provide people over 65 with information about how their dietary requirements diŽffer as they age.

Sponsored by the Meander Valley Council and the Deloraine and Districts Community Bank, the session will focus on nutrition for ageing and elderly people and is to be presented by dietician, Ngaire Hobbins.

Ngaire Hobbins is a world renowned authority on nutrition,ageing and brain health.

Ngaire writes, “As we age, a lot of popular health advice becomes increasingly irrelevant to us, advice like losing weight, eating less meat and dairy food or always choosing low fat, advice that might do us harm instead of good as we move away from 60 towards 90 or beyond.

“As a dietitian specialising in geriatrics, I want to see everyone late 60’s plus travelling the world or hanging out with their grandkids, enjoying an independent productive life.

“But far too often I am confronted instead with people who believed they were doing the right things but ended up struggling physically and mentally instead and having the life they had hoped for snatched away.

“I want people to understand the diŽerent needs of ageing bodies so they know what to eat and do to help, instead of hinder, their health as too many are doing now.”

Ngaire has authored three books, Better Brain Food, Eat to Cheat Dementia and

, the latter having additional versions to cater for American and Chinese readers.

Ngaire’s books will be available for purchase on the day.

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