School kids pitch in

Deloraine Primary students dressed as farmers for the Student Representative Counci’ls “Fiver for a Farmer Day’. In a brilliant effort, $890.80 was raisedDeloraine Primary students dressed as farmers for the Student Representative Counci’ls “Fiver for a Farmer Day’. In a brilliant effort, $890.80 was raised

Deloraine Primary students dressed as farmers for the Student Representative Counci’ls “Fiver for a Farmer Day’. In a brilliant effort, $890.80 was raised


STUDENTS FROM Deloraine Primary School dressed as farmers for a day to show support and raise funds for Australian farmers who are struggling in drought conditions.

The idea was initially raised during a weekly Student Representative Council meeting and quickly voted on as a worthy cause to support. The response from the students was inspiring, with many commenting how proud they were that our school could support these farmers. They also recognised that many of our families rely on agriculture and we too could be affected by drought at some time in the future.

Keah, a Student Council Class Representative, and her family were affected by the local floods in 2016. She was in favour of the day as she explained what the community support during the floods meant to her family. She saw this day as a way of showing this same support to others.

Pictured above are Deloraine Primary students Neve Coull (Grade 3) and Bradley Johnston (Grade 6) who dressed as farmers for the Student Representative Council’s “Fiver for a Farmer Day”. In a brilliant eff…ort, $890.80 was raised.

Photo | Mike Moores


In the garden with Nell Carr


Cash & hay on its way