Meander Valley Gazette

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50 yrs for 'Hilton on Barrack'

One of the original Deloraine District Hospital nurses, Liz Archer indulges in some food therapy with Director of Nursing and Manager, Lester Jones. One of the original Deloraine District Hospital nurses, Liz Archer indulges in some food therapy with Director of Nursing and Manager, Lester Jones.

One of the original Deloraine District Hospital nurses, Liz Archer indulges in some food therapy with Director of Nursing and Manager, Lester Jones.

October 2018 | Hayley Manning

THE DAY Centre was adorned with golden balloons and flowers to celebrate the Deloraine District

Hospital’s 50 golden years in operation. Around 170 invitations were sent to former and current doctors, staff, service clubs and others involved with the Hospital in some way. Director of Nursing and Manager, Lester Jones thanked everyone for their passion and commitment and made particular reference to the Hospital Auxiliary who work tirelessly to raise funds for otherwise unavailable items such as a bladder scanner, beds, televisions, outdoor furniture and coffee machines. Lester said patients tended to stay longer at the Hospital, also fondly known as the Hilton on Barrack.

Photo | Mike Moores