Meander Valley Gazette

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Saving St Saviours

Meander residents are joining together to save St Saviours. Meander residents are joining together to save St Saviours.

Meander residents are joining together to save St Saviours.

October 2018

IT’S NEVER a dull moment in Meander!  Six community groups have joined forces to prepare a submission to the Anglican Diocese, asking for heritage-listed St Saviours Church, Sunday school and Cemetery to be removed from the list of 76 churches to be sold to fund the National Redress Scheme for victims of child sexual abuse.  

The groups agree that the redress scheme is necessary,  but question why only 25% of funds from property sales go to the victims.  They also question the sale of land, buildings and furnishings that community members gifted to the Church in the first place.  The memory of the closure of Meander Primary School in 2014 continues to affect the community and made them aware that the loss of St Saviours will take with it priceless links to past heritage and can only be detrimental to community well-being. 

They are adamant that the church be retained. The submission to the Diocese includes letters of support from the Deloraine Anglican Parish and the Meander Valley Council and a petition with over 200 signatures. On Sunday the 28th  of October there will be an open day commencing with a church service at 11.30.

Following the service and lunch, there will be musical items, historical displays and cemetery walks. Meander invites the public to bring a plate to share and join their community in opposition to this valuable asset being lost. For more information contact Christine Chilcott on 0419 575 193.

Photo | Mike Moores