Meander Valley Gazette

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Young biographers remember Vets

Westbury Primary grade 6 students, Jacob Clark and Amy Taylor, worked with Westbury RSL to write stories for ‘Westbury Remembers’. Westbury Primary grade 6 students, Jacob Clark and Amy Taylor, worked with Westbury RSL to write stories for ‘Westbury Remembers’.

Westbury Primary grade 6 students, Jacob Clark and Amy Taylor, worked with Westbury RSL to write stories for ‘Westbury Remembers’.

October 2018

STUDENTS FROM Westbury Primary School, in collaboration with Westbury RSL, have undertaken the task of researching and writing down the stories of those who served in World War One from the Westbury area.

The project has been funded by the Westbury RSL’s successful application to the Federal Government’s Armistice Centenary Grants Program, to which the Deloraine and Districts Community Bank added a further $4000. Grade 6 students worked with local historians to begin the initial research and to set the foundation for the book, which will be named Westbury Remembers – our World War One Roll of Honour.

The book will include 245 stories (all those who appear on Westbury RSL’s WW1 Roll of Honour board), of which 60 will be written by students. A trip to Canberra was booked and students travelled to the Australian War Memorial where they went on a guided tour of the WW1 section of the museum.

Using both digital databases and written records held there, the students finished their research and deepened their appreciation of the sacrifices those men and women made.

Jacob Clark and Amy Taylor represented the students involved in the endeavour. They spoke about the process involved, its impact on them and the feelings it provoked.

“The best part of this was the trip to Canberra and visiting the memorial. It made it more real”, said Amy. Staff and students shared the feeling that going to the war memorial was what had made this massive undertaking something special. Jacob commented, “In the classroom it felt like a task, at the war memorial it felt like an experience.”

Westbury Remembers – our World War One Roll of Honour will be available from the Westbury RSL early in 2019.

Photo | Mike Moores