Deloraine Show 72 years young

Dougal Folder 7 years with Gomez and friends. Exotic birds is a new attraction at the 2018 Deloraine Show.Dougal Folder 7 years with Gomez and friends. Exotic birds is a new attraction at the 2018 Deloraine Show.

Dougal Folder 7 years with Gomez and friends. Exotic birds is a new attraction at the 2018 Deloraine Show.

FOR 72 YEARS, Deloraine Show has provided a great day out for families. This year will be no exception with new attractions to entice young and old. W o o d c h o p p i n g is back, featuring local favourite Daniel Gurr (World Rookie Champion 2018) in the treefelling competition.

‘Gomez and friends’ exotic birds make their first time appearance at Deloraine. Gomez and Morticia, red-tailed black cockatoos; Cyril, a South American macaw; and Daisy, a spectacular red Vosmaeri Parrot will be sure to draw a crowd with the chance to get up close and grab a photo with these avian beauties.

The young and adventurous can battle it out in the rodeo ring on a mechanical bull. The show will also see the launch of an inaugural Instagram competition. Entrants need to share their pictures of the day on Instagram, tagging @ deloraineshowsociety and using #Deloraineshow2018 hashtag. Categories include – 1: Families enjoying the show, 2: Animals and 3: Mechanical bull action shot.

The Deloraine and Districts Community Bank Pet Parade will provide fun for children, with loads of prizes to be won. The entertainment area promises a lively atmosphere with ‘Keep the Beat’ interactive drumming, music from the Deloraine Big Band and Junior Band and Dance Connections demonstrations.

Always big crowd pullers, you can expect to see the traditional, well supported exhibitions and competitions in the Livestock, Heavy Horse and Home Industries sections, along with Equestrian events in the Main Arena.

Photo | Sophie Folder


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