Meander Valley Gazette

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Deloraine’s three literary divas

L-R Isabel Shapcott, Pearl Maya and Heather Ewings all had their work published as part of Tasmania’s ‘People’s Library’ project L-R Isabel Shapcott, Pearl Maya and Heather Ewings all had their work published as part of Tasmania’s ‘People’s Library’ project

L-R Isabel Shapcott, Pearl Maya and Heather Ewings all had their work published as part of Tasmania’s ‘People’s Library’ project

DELORAINE WAS well represented in the People’s Library project. Three local writers were chosen out of the hundred statewide to have their work published as part of the project. A range of genres was represented from fiction to reference to poetry, all written, and donated, by Tasmanian writers.

Isabel Shapcott revisited folk fiction. Heather Ewings’ book is speculative fiction and Pearl Maya wrote a collection of short stories. “It is a great chance for a wide variety of Tasmanian voices to be heard,” commented Ms Ewings. “Some books were written by people who are avid writers, others by people who were writing their first.”

The launch was held in Hobart, and the Library project remained on display for a month that included public readings and discussions as well as being a space for the public to come and browse. “Being commercially published in Australia can be really challenging,” added Ms Shapcott, “and this was a great opportunity for people to contribute a book that didn’t have to fit into a commercial stereotype.

Everyone has a story to tell and this was the chance to do just that.” There were over 180 projects offered to the People’s Library and the list was whittled down to 115, 15 more than the project organisers originally planned. Not available for sale, the entire collection of books will be available for loan through the Launceston and Hobart libraries.

Photo | Mike Moores