Top honour for Tanya

Tanya Barrett, Tasmanian Practice Manager of the year for 2018.Tanya Barrett, Tasmanian Practice Manager of the year for 2018.

Tanya Barrett, Tasmanian Practice Manager of the year for 2018.

CONGRATULATIONS TO Tanya Barrett of Deloraine & Westbury Medical Centre who has been awarded 2018 Tasmanian Practice Manager of the Year by the Australian Association of Practice Managers (AAPM). Nominated by fellow practice manager from the Prospect Medical Centre, Tanya received her award at a Practice Manager’s conference in Canberra. “Oh the conference in Canberra, it was fabulous,” shares Tanya.

Conference attendees were treated to a host of keynote speakers, workshops, state breakfasts, technology and best practice exhibitors as well as a gala dinner where the presentation of awards took place. Tanya’s work at Deloraine & Westbury Medical Centre involves managing 19 admin and nursing staff and eight doctors as well as implementing policies and procedures that keep the practice running smoothly, legislation compliance and budgeting. “I enjoy my job, it’s not difficult to come to work each day.

I think probably my favourite part is working with all the other team members, I get a lot of enjoyment from that,” comments Tanya. During the four and a half years that Tanya has managed the Deloraine and Westbury Medical practice she has implemented a number of new systems to the practice.

Tanya is particularly happy with the new staff education program that encourages and tracks staff training to ensure the highest standards in both professional development and compliance with current legislation. The initiatives Tanya has launched in the area of health and well being for staff members and community involvement are also a source of pride.

“We all get together and decorate for RSPCA cupcake day, we recycle printer cartridges, we sponsor sunscreen for Toddle Inn Childcare, we sponsor the Community Directory in Meander Valley Gazette and we sell Lyons Christmas cakes and puddings,” says Tanya.

Practice owners Dr Johannes Schonbom and Mr Goran Mujkic agree with the panel that chose Tanya as the top practice manager in Tasmania for this year. “She is our number one asset at the practice and we are extremely pleased to see her rewarded for what she does at Deloraine & Westbury Medical everyday” says Dr Schonbom. Tanya adds “I couldn’t do my job without the wonderful work of everyone else here, this award really belongs to all of us.”

Photo | Mike Moores


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