Village green carol service

By Lorraine Clarke

ONE OF life’s enduring memories for many folks is the annual Christmas Carol Service attended in childhood. This is a cherished family tradition throughout much of the world, and Westbury has been hosting such a service for longer than anyone can remember.

For the past 18 years, the carol service has been held on the Village Green, with the Hall booked in reserve in case of inclement weather. It is an initiative of the Combined Churches of Westbury and the Meander Valley Choir.

The event begins at 7.00 pm on the Westbury Village Green, on Sunday 16th December. The Lions’ Food Van will be in attendance to provide snacks and coffee, and there will be a lolly scramble for the children.

Launceston’s City Band Ensemble kicks off the musical program. Communal carol singing will be led by the M.V. Choir. Carol booklets are available so that everyone can join in.

Guest artists include the Westbury Primary School Choir, Our Lady of Mercy Children’s Choir, the ‘Uke3A Strummers and Drummers’, and Patrick Gambles.

Bring along a rug and cushions to sit on the grass, candles if you wish and build a family tradition that the next generation will always treasure.


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