Meander Valley Gazette

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Friends around the world

Deloraine Rotary is planning to provide residential vocational training for young people in Nepal. Deloraine Rotary is planning to provide residential vocational training for young people in Nepal.

Deloraine Rotary is planning to provide residential vocational training for young people in Nepal.

DELORAINE ROTARY has recently received a Department of Foreign Affairs National Friendship Grant of $60 000 towards their RAWCS trade training centre project in Bhaktapur, Kathmandu. Aiming to encourage participation in Australia’s aid program, one grant was given to Deloraine Rotary because of their effective international projects to build sustainability in neighbouring countries in need. In Nepal for four years the club is involved in building schools, supplying water and sanitation in schools and villages and conducting eye screening and surgery in remote villages.

Over the past 2 years, with the Rotary Club of Bhadgaon, Deloraine Rotary has been helping young people attend school. In particular, helping young girls by providing personal hygiene kits made by Days for Girls. The grant project is the construction of a centre to provide residential vocational youth training for disadvantaged rural boys and girls, preparing them for employment and small enterprises. Some will be special needs students, very disadvantaged and at risk of homelessness. Short intensive courses will cover trades, hospitality, sewing and light manufacturing. Currently, thousands of young people in remote areas of Nepal have no access to education or vocational training. Girls are also discriminated against and find it hard to attend any form of school.

The donation of land in Kathmandu by a local businessman has enabled Deloraine, supported by other Australian Rotary clubs, to proceed with the project. The construction will include training rooms, a residential floor for 40 students, community room and conference training facility to generate operating income for the centre. The build will take 12 to 18 months, with the first pilot training course to start late in 2019.

Tasmanian Rotary Clubs have a strong commitment to building international relationships, reducing poverty and improving lives, particularly aiming to help young people at risk of child marriage, slavery, trafficking, sex trade, homelessness, exploitation, violence, starvation and deprivation.

Project manager Dr Lois Beckwith will be promoting the project in Tasmania to gain more financial support. $150,000 is needed to get the first stage completed. Fundraisers will be held across Tasmania to help make the centre fully operational. Information: contact Lois Beckwith, 6369 5393, loisbeckwith@bigpond. com or Maree Matanle on 0402 692 066. Alternatively, you can email