Meander Valley Gazette

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Our feathered friends

February 2019

TWO OPPORTUNITIES to view the photographic work of well-known local naturalist Sarah Lloyd are available in Meander Valley during the month of February.

Pixels Gallery will show a selection of Sarah’s ornithological pictures in an exhibition titled ‘Our feathered friends’ for the month of February. The digital gallery at 21 West Parade Deloraine (behind the Library) is open 10.00am to 4.00pm weekdays and 1.00 to 3.00pm Saturdays. ‘The Birds and the Bees’ is the title of a showing of selected bird and insect photos Sarah will have on show at Meander Valley Council offices from 12th February to 31st March.

Sarah is eager to see greater care taken of birds and their habitats in Tasmania saying, “In the past two hundred years the Tasmanian landscape has changed irrevocably and there is no doubt that this has been disastrous for birds. Cities and towns are encroaching on bushland; agricultural activities, once restricted to the most fertile soils, are expanding and intensifying and native forests are being decimated to feed our voracious appetite for timber products.”