Meander Valley Gazette

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Compassionate nation

March 2019

A NEW Red Cross survey reveals Australians are compassionate, with around two thirds (64%) of the population wanting to do more to help people in need. Kerry McGrath, Director Community Programs, Australian Red Cross said: “In the second year of our Red Cross survey, Australia is trending in a very positive direction, with the great majority of us wanting to help others, and even an 8 percent increase from last year.”

“Young people top the country, with eight of ten (82%) aged 16-17 saying they want to help others doing it tough. This is excellent news for the state of our communities, now and into the future.” “Australians are absolutely crying out to make a contribution, with more than one in two (56%) saying they genuinely want to do more locally, yet just over a third (38%) say they are actively connected and engaged.”

The new research coincides with thousands of volunteers hitting the streets for March’s Red Cross Calling Appeal. Every March, Red Cross Calling brings volunteers together to host events, knock on doors or donate to Red Cross Calling.